Choose Your Degree

Degrees of Study

Currently 5 degrees are offered.

The institute limits itself to students who are seeking baccalaureate degrees and those seeking degrees at the graduate level. Degrees offered will include the fields of political economics and economics with degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts and a Doctorate in Political Economics.

Prior to the awarding of any degree the following 3 articles must be completed:

  1. The Federal Reserve: History of Lies, Thievery, and Deceit by Matto
  2. The Very Best Way to Usurp Power From the States by Federer
  3. Trump is Right on Trade by Barnewall

At the Baccalaureate level the degrees will be:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Economics
  • Bachelor of Arts in Political Economics

At the Masters level the degrees will be:

  • Master of Arts in Economics
  • Master of Arts in Political Economics

At the Doctorate level the degree will be:

  • Doctorate in Political Economics


Bachelor of Arts Degree

To apply for the Bachelor of Arts degrees each applicant will be required to pay a yearly non-refundable tuition fee of $350.00 and a statement requesting the degree of choice. Each applicant must have completed 2 years of successful formal schooling at any Business School, Technical Institute, University or College. There could be some instances where this requirement would be adjusted. Contact Richard Proctor to see what adjustments can be made.

As with registration any form of U.S. dollars is accepted for payment of any fees.

To complete a Bachelor of Arts degree the individual must complete 20 classes at the 300 or 400 level with a passing mark. At least 5 of those classes must be in the field of history or the Constitution at any level. There is no maximum time limit required for the classes or for the degree, but if a 2 year period passes without any activity with the institute a new registration fee will be required.

Master of Arts Degree

To apply for the Master of Arts degrees each applicant will be required to pay a yearly non-refundable tuition fee of $475.00 with a statement requesting the degree of choice. Each applicant must have a Bachelor’s degree from any University or College. As with registration any form of U.S. dollars is accepted for payment of any fees.

To complete a Master of Arts degree the individual must complete 12 classes at the 500 level or above with a passing mark. At least 3 of those classes must be in the field of history or the Constitution at the 500 level. There is no maximum time limit required for the classes or for the degree, but if a 2 year period passes without any activity with the institute a new registration fee will be required. The individual must also complete a paper or several papers with a combined total of 7,000 words.

Those papers completed while working on classes at the 500 and 600 level can be included. All papers must be complete and present a thorough analysis of the subject. If a paper is returned for additional information, the information must be completed before the paper will be considered adequate. There is also a requirement of 2 years of business experience. Business experience is not just employment. Those who have not completed an undergraduate degree in Economics must also complete some of the economics course requirements of the Bachelor of Arts in Economics. The number of economics classes to be determined for each individual applicant, but will usually be 10 classes. After all this is an institute of economics and each student finishing a degree must have learned economics along the way.

Doctorate Degree

To apply for the Doctorate degree each applicant will be required to pay a yearly non-refundable tuition fee of $600.00 and a request for enrollment. Each applicant must have a Master of Arts or Science degree from any University or College. That would also include a Master of Arts degree from the Provis Institute of Political Economics.

As with registration any form of U.S. dollars is accepted for payment of any fees.

To complete a Doctorate of Political Economics degree the individual must complete Economics E-610 and 7 additional classes at the 600 level and one or more papers totaling around 15,000 words.

Those papers completed while working on classes at the 600 area can be included. The papers must be complete and present a thorough analysis of the subject. If a paper is returned for additional information, the information must be completed before the paper will be considered adequate.

There is no time limit for completion of the degree, but if a 2 year period passes without any activity with the institute a new registration fee will be required. There is also a requirement of 5 years of business experience. Business experience is not just employment.

Those who have not completed an undergraduate or a graduate degree in Economics must also complete some of the economics course requirements of the Bachelor of Arts and the Master of Arts degrees.

The number of economics classes to be determined for each individual applicant, but will usually be 10 classes at the 300 or 400 level and 6 classes at the 500 level. After all this is an institute of economics and each student finishing a degree must have learned economics along the way.